Thursday, 6 March 2008

Blood test tomorrow

I am feeling lots of things today.
I poas yesterday morning - 8dp5dt - negative.
The heavy crampy feelings have gone.
Today I feel crap. Headache, body aches, nausea, just crap.
Progesterone perhaps?
Can't wait for the blood test results tomorrow.
This is doing my head in.
Please don't let it be another low positive.
I spent our last Easter holiday having a miscarriage.
I'd prefer not to do it again this year.

Don't bother sending 'baby dust'.
Just pray for either a big fat positive beta or a big fat negative.
Nothing in-between please.


Rebecca said...

Praying for nothing in between...

Melanie said...

I hope it's a resounding yes. And if it can't be that I hope it's a definitive no. Thinking good thoughts for you.

The Beauty Junkie said...

Nothing in between wishes

ColourYourWorld said...

Everything crossed for a positive.

Anonymous said...

Even evil stepmonsters need a break! Thinking of you...

Morrisa said...

I'm hoping and praying for a BFP, those "in-between" numbers are no fun. Hang in there honey.

Wordgirl said...

NO in betweens....damn it.

Though we'd prefer a strong yes.

From one evil stepmonster to another....
