Saturday 26 April 2008

Transfer set for Monday

At Day 2 (Friday) all 7 embyros were still growing. One was at 5-cells, two at 4-cells and the rest dragging their heels a little at 2-cells. Come on fella's keep up now, we've still got a long way to go!

I start progesterone gel tonight, and have a puregon injection tomorrow and again Thursday. Transfer is Monday afternoon. Bring on the insanity....


Bee Cee said...

Oooh its nail biting time now! Hope they are growing like mad at the moment. Good luck for transfer.

Anonymous said...

Sending strong embie vibes! Hope you're keeping yourself distracted over the weekend -- Monday is almost here!

sara said...

I'm so glad all 7 are still growing. I'm wishing you the best of luck for Monday! I can't wait to hear how it goes :-)

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Growing to blast must be so nail biting. Crossing everything for Monday!