Sunday, 3 August 2008

Blast off!

I survived the early wake up call this morning and didn't smack anyone! I was so proud, but then I left my wallet and phone at the hospital, so not so happy with myself now.

There was another Dr on duty today but my new FS came in especially just to do my transfer. I think he has control issues, but still it was very nice of him. My other FS personally performed exactly none of my previous 9 retrievals and 8 transfers.

Anyway, I had 2 lovely looking blastocysts transferred into, I think, the fluffiest lining I have ever produced. So if this one doesn't work I'm not sure there is anywhere else for us to go, but that's a worry for another day.

Feeling very crampy, so its off to bed for this little black duck. Good luck to everyone cycling this month.


Topcat said...


Mmm-mmm, uh, oh yeah.

Utterly DELIGHTED for you. Grow, implant, and stick, lil ones.


Hope you managed to get someone to post your stuff back to you!! xo

sara said...

Sending lots of luck your way! Sorry about the early morning - and the stuff left at the hospital. Nothing like a little added stress to a big day! I hope you are able to get some comfortable rest and aren't too sore. Hang in there, I am sending lots of good embryo implanting and growing thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

I have good feelings about this cycle for you. Can't wait for your next post.

HeidiM said...

All sounds very very good! Sending happy thoughts.

SassyCupcakes said...

I hope this goes perfectly for you. Take care.

Stacie said...

Sending positive vibes your way...stick little embies!

Anonymous said...

... now the wait... argh...
it's torture, isn't it.


Rebecca said...

Bummer on your wallet and phone, but congratulations for a successful transfer! It's always nice when you know the person who is doing glad that you can take it easy for a while! ( waiting for the results equals taking it easy...sorry for the insensitivity)!

How about...try not to lose your mind in the next 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

That makes you officially PUPO!! Yahoo!!

Joonie said...

I am so happy for you! Looks like everything is in order. I wish you a speedy and uneventful 2ww.

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Wow, what a great cycle. I'm standing on the sideline cheering your little embies on. Come on little ones, you can do it!

andi said...

Hi my dear - pleased to hear you have two blasts happily inside you.

ER is set for Friday - sister's eggs were very small until they boosted the FSH... but seem a decent ish size now.

I am hoping she will end up with eight eggs. And I have managed to convince Melb IVF to do a three day transfer - no mean feat - and I hope I have done the right thing - considering they only seem to do day 2 transfers.

You must be at Monash - are you?

My husband is here from the UK - which is why I haven't had time to post an update.

Good luck to you my dear.

By the way - I am hardly noticing the progynova.