Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Just breathe....

One thousand two hundred and sixty-four. Onethousandtwohundredandsixtyfour. It's so much more exciting when you say it fast!

I should be yelling from the rooftops. 1264 is a fabulous number. Doubling time of 48 hours. As Expected. Normal. Great.

But still. There is something inside me, pulling me back, telling me to just slow down, breathe, don't get too ahead of yourself. What is it? Will I ever be rid of this stupid fear that the rug will be pulled from under us any second?

We have so many tests still ahead of us. But for the moment we are 2 for 2. I am so thankful for your kind words and support. I am just so thankful....


Unknown said...

oh wow...fabulous!!!!!!!



Well done.

And enjoy!

Stacie said...


I am so happy for you!

(I felt the way you described for my entire pregnancy. I don't think I stopped checking the toilet paper until well into the 2nd tri.)

Topcat said...


Right on, girlfriend. YES YES YES.

And no ... you will never be rid of the fear ... it's probably a self-protecting mechanism, built into those who have repeated TTC attempts. So you may as well enjoy where you are at!

I am so enormously happy for you!!!


SassyCupcakes said...

Awesome. :)

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Woot Woot!

Fantastic result!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! I'm so outrageously happy for you. And no, you will not ditch the fear completely. I'm still checking the toilet paper too, almost 30 weeks in. How you figure out how to lessen the fear will be individual to you. But don't worry, celebration finds a way! And in the meantime we are celebrating for you.

Wordgirl said...


I have tears of joy in my eyes over here and a tremendous smile on my face......

****happy dance*****

let me do that again

*****happy dance*****

Keep writing please so I can follow along! I feel like you're my sister -- sister in stepmotherhood and this journey -- and I couldn't be happier for you -- honestly -- to my toes I'm so happy for you.



Melanie said...

Best news of the week. Seriously. I'm over the moon for you. Take that, infertility!

Joonie said...

That is wonderful! I am so happy for you!

I know what you mean about the fear though, it's perfectly normal considering what you have been through.

Try and enjoy every little step and every small victory.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful wonderful news! Well done :)

Anonymous said...

